Thursday, December 20, 2007

My 14 year old daughter loves to play basketball. She is 5 feet tall. When she was in seventh grade she tried out for her Jr. High basketball team. She was cut on the first round. She was sad but determined that she would simply have to get better and try again. She went to every basketball camp available throughout the summer and practiced in our yard all of the time. She got really good. I had a lot of people ask me what she had done to improve her game so much. She and I were both hopeful that she would make the team in her eighth grade year. Tryouts were on Monday, December 17th. We went to school early to look at the list of girls who made the first cut. She was not on the list. She and I sat in the car and cried. Life Sucks! It is hard to console your daughter when you are as upset or more upset than she is. She worked so hard. She is 5 feet tall.

I told her that I thougt she should go to school even though her first period teacher is the basketball coach. I also told her that if she did not want to go to school she could stay home and go Christmas shopping with me. We went back home and as soon as she got out of the car she ran upstairs to cry. She cried for fifteen minutes! When she was done crying she dried her face, refreshed her makeup, and went to school. She is a tougher person than I am. I would have gone shopping. It was a hard day.

1 comment:

Claudine Cable said...

This entry really touched my heart and I have thought of it so often since I read it several weeks ago. She is an amazing girl and there will be nothing that can hold her down.