Friday, October 3, 2008


I don't know how to do cool stuff with my blog. Alot of my family can do really cool stuff with their blogs. Looking at blogs is starting to make me feel inadequate. I do not need one more thing to make me feel inadequate. Melissa, if you read this take pity on me. I need help designing my blog. If it was cooler I might be inclined to write more often. Well, maybe.


Claudine Cable said...

I'm so glad to see you adding to your blog. You don't have to do the superficial cool stuff. You just have to write, and that is a strong suit for you. We just want to hear what you are doing and thinking. Welcome back.

Shawna said...

I am glad you are writting again as it gives me more people to stalk!!! Keep it up.

Julie said...

Yeah!!! We will help you do the "cute" stuff. Really if you get it up once, the job is done. Then you can just write and throw up a picture or two.

Melissa said...

ha ha your funny, I would love to show you how to do anything that i know how to do, it isn't as much as your thinkin. The person that is REALLY incredible is Mark. Every time I talk to him my head starts to spin. But man can he do cool things!! I told him when I grow up I wanna be like him. :) And I like your background! It's cute. good colors. and my mom is right, it is way easier than you'd think. I was so confused when i started...but i think i get it now. So if there is anything I can share with you i'd love to.